Sign Up to Senior Watch in Hertfordshire

Please help Hertfordshire Constabulary and Hertfordshire Neighbourhood Watch to look after and inform our older residents by sharing information and advice.

Join Senior Watch today! It only takes a minute and is completely free.

What is Senior Watch?
In order to reach out to our growing population of senior residents, we are seeking the help of caring local people and involving them in sharing information and advice to help keep our senior residents safe.

We are inviting our senior residents, anyone who has older neighbours or relatives, and those who care for or work with elderly people, to join Senior Watch. We are seeking your support in helping us to protect our senior residents by agreeing to receive �Senior Watch� OWL email messages from your local policing team containing information and advice for you to share.

Senior Watch will operate similarly to Neighbourhood Watch in that it will use our award-winning and secure OWL communication system to inform members via email about current crime and safety risks impacting on our older residents and provide advice about how to spot and prevent these crimes.

We will also work with other support agencies to help us to inform and signpost these trusted people to other support services they may then be able to alert or signpost the elderly residents to.

To receive Senior Watch messages either you or the senior person you care for must be living or working with a registered postal address in Hertfordshire. In most instances we will contact you by email. Should the need arise, an occasional SMS text could be sent to your mobile phone for urgent or emergency incidents.

After you have signed up to Senior Watch we will be able to send you messages of interest relating to keeping older people safe. This service is completely free.

If you already receive messages via OWL as a member of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme you can also sign up to Senior Watch if you have contact with older people. The system won't send you the same message twice if you register with the same email address.

Protecting Your Data
When you sign up your details will be kept in a secure database purely for the purpose of communicating with you. Your details will not be shared with any 3rd parties and neither will they be transferred to other police or government databases. At any point you may request your details to be removed or do it yourself online.

Direct From Herts Police